Welcome to our Wills Department!
Ensure that your final wishes are carried out fairly and without unnecessary delay, heartbreak and disputes.

Why do I need a will?
If you do not have a will:
- The Intestate Succession Act will determine who your heirs are and how much each will inherit. That might not be what you want.
- Nobody will know who you wanted as Executor. Your family members will have to agree on who the Executor must be. They may disagree or not be close by to sign a nomination.
- The administration of the estate will be delayed and might costs a lot more (because you did not state in a will that the executor is exempted from giving security).
- Your minor children’s inheritance will be held by the Guardian’s Fund at the Master of the Supreme Court until they are 18.
How must a will be signed to be valid?
- When any WILL is signed, 3 persons must be present: the person whose WILL it is and two witnesses (older than 14 and not heirs in terms of the WILL).
- The Person whose WILL it is must sign EVERY PAGE in FULL as CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to the written text.
- The WITNESSES must sign the LAST PAGE of the WILL in FULL next to the signature of the Person whose will it is.